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Sep 15, 2017

Conor Horrigan – Half Full Brewery

“Make Sure the Stress Matters” 

Conor Horrigan, founder of Half Full Brewery, was on the ultimate pursuit of passion. After enduring taxing desk hours on Wall Street, Conor set out on a 15-week trip around the world to figure out how to match his passions with his career. Following his motto and his mission to always make time for things that make you feel “half full”, Conor created Half Full Brewery. Tune in as Conor shares his journey, his growth and his mission at the brewery while inspiring all with his positive views on both business and life.

Whether you’re a product manager in an established company or an aspiring business owner with an idea for a new product business, Making It Real will provide you with real tools and advice on how to be a successful product entrepreneur!

Hosted by Bob Caporale and Tate Tegtmeier

Original Music by Bob Caporale

Note: No endorsement of any product or service featured on Making It Real is either expressed or implied by its hosts or producers.